Ninh Binh, a culinary gem nestled in the enchanting landscapes of the Red River Delta, offers a charming culinary experience that fascinates the taste buds of the most demanding tourists. Entering the history and cultural diversity of the area, the cuisine in Ninh Binh cleverly blends local flavors with effects in the region to create unique and memorable dishes.
What to eat in Ninh Binh ? Let yourself be enchanted by the unique flavors of the local dishes. Immerse yourself in the authenticity and simplicity of cuisine in Ninh Binh, where each bite tells a story of tradition, ingenuity, and culinary passion. Discover a symphony of flavors in a picturesque setting where nature and gastronomy come together to create an unforgettable experience.
Ninh Binh, joyau culinaire niché dans les paysages enchanteurs du delta du fleuve Rouge, offre une expérience gastronomique captivante qui envoûte les papilles des voyageurs les plus exigeants. Imprégnée de l'histoire et de la diversité culturelle de la région, la cuisine de Ninh Binh fusionne habilement les saveurs locales avec des influences régionales pour créer des plats uniques et mémorables.
Food & drink in Ninh Binh

I. What are the delicious specialties of Ninh Binh ?

What to eat in Ninh Binh ? It's a culinary adventure not to be missed. Among the typical dishes and specialties of Ninh Binh, discover the delicacy of “Ninh Binh Goat Meat”, the richness of "burned rice”, the authenticity of “Nem Yen Mac – Fermented Pork Roll,” or the exoticism of “sticky rice with ants eggs - Xôi trứng kiến”. Let yourself be surprised by the originality of “mountain snails,” or succumb to the simple deliciousness of “braised fish with Gao fruit”. Each bite is an invitation to travel, an expedition about the local flavors will take you to the center of Ninh Binh's culinary culture.
  • Ninh Binh Goat Meat (Thịt dê núi Ninh Binh) : Goat meat from Ninh Binh mountain is one of the symbols of the cuisine of Ninh Binh, considered one of the most delicious specialties of the region. A typical dish and specialties of Ninh Binh cuisine, goat meat is prepared in a sophisticated and unique way, providing a rich and special flavor of rural areas where majestic mountains stand. Raised freely in the green hills, the quality of the meat is guaranteed and deliciously fragrant thanks to a natural diet. Ninh Binh goat meat, tender and juicy, is a true gastronomic treasure. It is often prepared in a stew or grilled, showing deep aroma and melting texture in the mouth. By tasting it, you will feel the harmony between the sweetness of the goat meat, the aroma of spices, and the essence of the mountains and forests of Ninh Binh.
La viande de chèvre, une spécialité de la province de Ninh Binh

  • Burned rice (Com chay) : What to eat in Ninh Binh ? Do not miss the crunchy and fragrant crust, the pride of the ancient capital. This dish is a symphony of the structure and flavor, where each bite tells the story of the fertile land and the ingenuity of its residents. The rice is completely golden, crispy outside, but extremely soft and full of flavor inside. It is a culinary experience that reflects the nature of Ninh Binh, a dish that is both simple and complex, seductive from the first flavor. As you explore the culinary wonders of this region, the rice crust is a must-try that promises to captivate your senses and leave a lasting impression.
  • Ninh Binh Mountain Snail (Ốc núi) : What to eat in Ninh Binh ? Look no further than the mountain snail, a gem of Ninh Binh cuisine. These mollusks, raised in limestone crevices, are a true celebration of natural flavors. Meat, firm and fragrant, often prepared with a little lemongrass and chili, reflecting the freshness of mountain herbs. Each bite is a flavor journey, in which the authentic flavor of the land is mixed with the complexity of local spices.
  • Nho Quan Sticky Rice with Ants Eggs (Xôi trứng kiến) : Sticky rice with ant eggs is a typical dish and specialty of Ninh Binh province. This delicious dish is made from ants harvested in the lush forests of Nho Quan, a famous land with special biodiversity. The ants eggs are carefully selected, renowned for their nutritional value and distinctive taste, then mixed with fragrant sticky rice, creating a harmony of textures and flavors. This typical dish surprises and delights the taste buds of adventurous gourmets.

Que manger à Ninh Binh ? Les plats spéciaux en voyage à la "baie Halong terrestre"

Learn more about some other dishes :

  • Nhech raw fish salad (Gỏi Cá Nhệch)
  • Ninh Binh floating cake (Bánh trôi)
  • Bun moc (Rice noodle with “moc” soup)
  • Grilled "Chuoi" fish from Van Long (Cá chuối nướng)
  • Fermented pork from Yen Mac (Nem chua)
  • Salted shrimp Gia Vien – (Shrimp paste)

II. Typical drinks in Ninh Binh

Rice wine sipped with Can alcohol (wine drunk out of a jar through pipes) Nho Quan (rượu cần) and Kim Son sticky rice wine (rượu nếp Kim Sơn) are typical drinks of Ninh Binh, reflecting the essence of its local cuisine, steeped in centuries-old traditions and craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation.
  • Rice wine drunk from a jar through a pipes (rượu cần Nho Quan) is a traditional naturally fermented drink, usually drunk through a long bamboo straws. Made from crushed sticky rice, this wine is mixed with yeasts and local herbs and left to ferment in large earthen pots. It is renowned for its sweet taste and delicate aroma, which appeals to the palates of connoisseurs and visitors alike.
Cuisine of Ninh Binh - Rice wine Nho Quan to enjoy the wine, one must use the stems of bamboo inserted into the wine jar for drinking.
  • Kim Son sticky rice wine (rượu nếp Kim Sơn) is prepared with a special variety of sticky rice, spring water, and yeast, sometimes enriched with herbs and spices for medicinal properties. Traditionally fermented in terracotta jars, Kim Son sticky rice wine is appreciated for its rich flavor and its ability to age well. Served fresh, it perfectly complements local dishes and is also used in traditional ceremonies.

III. Where to eat in Ninh Binh ?

1. Street restaurants in Ninh Binh

Looking for the authentic culinary delights of Ninh Binh? Where to eat in Ninh Binh ? Explore the lively streets, where street restaurants offer an authentic and unforgettable experience, surrounded by the vibrant atmosphere and warm hospitality of the locals. Among the addresses not to be missed, Hieu De restaurant is famous for its typical dish & Ninh Binh specialty: goat meat.
Hiếu Dê Restaurant in Ninh Binh
Located in the heart of the city, at Hieu De Restaurant, goat meat is not just a dish; it is an experience. Carefully prepared according to a recipe passed down from generation to generation, this signature dish represents the essence of local cuisine. Goat meat is served in a variety of styles - grilled over charcoal, simmered in a fragrant broth, or even prepared into thin slices marinated with fresh lemon juice. The tender and flavorful meat is slowly simmered with aromatic herbs and selected spices, creating an explosion of flavors in your mouth. The lively atmosphere at Hieu De Restaurant adds a special touch to your dining experience. You will be warmly welcomed by the dedicated team, ready to introduce you to the culinary treasures of Ninh Binh.

2. Typical restaurant in Ninh Binh

In the heart of the verdant rice fields and the iconic karst formations of the region, discover the cuisine of Ninh Binh at Spice Garden Tamcoc, a must-visit for gourmets in search of authenticity. Immerse yourself in the cuisine of Ninh Binh with the signature dishes of Spice Garden Tamcoc, where each bite tells a story of traditions and craftsmanship. From delicately prepared fresh fish dishes to fragrant soups with local herbs, each dish is an exploration of the unique flavors of this region.
Where to eat in Ninh Binh ? Spice Garden Tam Coc Restaurant
What sets Spice Garden Tamcoc apart is its commitment to authenticity and quality. The talented chefs at this restaurant source from local producers to ensure freshness and guarantee delicious and healthy dishes, thus offering a truly immersive dining experience. In addition to its exquisite cuisine, Spice Garden Tamcoc also offers an enchanting setting where guests can relax and rejuvenate after a day of exploration. Imagine savoring a delicious meal surrounded by the picturesque landscapes of Ninh Binh, with the song of birds in the background and a gentle breeze caressing your face.
To learn more about restaurants in Ninh Binh, please refer to our article: Top 11 Restaurants in Ninh Binh

IV. Conclusion on cuisine & café in Ninh Binh

In conclusion, the cuisine of Ninh Binh is a symphony of flavors that deserves to be explored and cherished. What to eat in Ninh Binh ? From specialties such as goat meat and mountain snails, each dish tells a story about the land and the people of this beautiful region. Where to eat in Ninh Binh ? From street restaurants nestled in the heart of limestone cliffs to typical restaurants, each place offers a unique experience where dishes are prepared with passion and served with hospitality. Ninh Binh's typical dishes and specialties are not limited to nourishing the body; it also nourishes the soul, inviting you to come back again and again to enjoy these moments of pure culinary bliss. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culinary tapestry that is the pride of Ninh Binh.
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Where To Eat In Tam Cốc Ninh Bình ? Top 10 Best Restaurant Tam Cốc Ninh Bình

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Spice Garden Tamcoc Restaurant In Tam Coc Ninh Binh

Spice Garden Tamcoc Restaurant In Tam Coc Ninh Binh

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