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Quintessence Among Hue Tombs: Tomb Of King Thieu Tri

Thieu Tri TombOne of the main components of the Complex of Hue Tombs and Hue Royal Tombs is the Tomb of King Thieu Tri. When travellers Thieu Tri Tomb, they will be awestruck by the distinctive architecture and the old-fashioned beauty of the Nguyen Dynasty. The Tomb of King Thieu Tri, which is situated in a serene environment, has long been a popular historical attraction. An abundance of tourists are drawn to it annually by its intricate and well-balanced carvings, as well as its quirky tomb construction. The location guarantees to be a highlight of your trip to Hue with Hue Tombs and Hue Royal Tombs. It is a must-visit site in Hue.
Thieu Tri Tomb

I. About the location, opening hours and entrance fee of Thieu Tri Tomb

  • Location: Cu Chanh Village, Thuy Bang Commune, Hue City

About eight kilometres separate from Cu Chanh Village, Thuy Bang Commune, Hue City, from the city centre, where the Thieu Tri Tomb is located. It is positioned at the base of Thuan Dao Mountain, surrounded by rice fields. One of the most striking tourist destinations in Hue, Vietnam, is the Tomb of King Thieu Tri.
Of all the imperial tombs in Hue, the Tomb of King Thieu Tri is the easiest to get to by car. You can ask the friendly locals for assistance or use Google Maps to find your route. Hue people will undoubtedly lead the way since they are kind and friendly. It is a must-visit site in Hue.
  • Opening hours: from 07:00 to 17:30 every day

  • Entrance fee:

For adults: 50,000 VND
For children: free of charge
Thieu Tri Tomb

II. How to get to Thieu Tri Tomb?

Thieu Tri Tomb is not too far from Hue's city centre—just 8 kilometres away. As a result, travellers have several options for getting around, ranging from scooters and motorbikes to taxis and private vehicle rentals.
We suggest using the route that leads from Dien Bien Phu Street to Nam Giao Esplanade for guests who are travelling alone. After that, Minh Mang Street is visible when you turn right onto Le Ngo Cat Street. Make a left onto that street and travel three kilometres. You also spot the Thieu Tri Tomb. It is a must-visit site in Hue.
Thieu Tri Tomb

III. Best tips to visit Thieu Tri Tomb

The following advice should be noted by tourists before they visit the Tomb of King Thieu Tri:

  • A typical exploration of the tomb's whole construction takes two to three hours.

  • January and February are the ideal months to visit the location because of the ideal weather for sightseeing.

  • Travelers should steer clear of the end-of-year wet season.

  • Dress modestly; steer clear of anything too exposing.

  • Certain areas of the tombs prohibit the taking of images.

  • If visitors would like additional information about the location, a tour guide is advised.

  • In addition to the tomb of King Thieu Tri, numerous more royal tombs in Hue are also worth seeing, including the graves of Khai Dinh, Tu Duc, and Minh Mang.

    Thieu Tri Tomb

IV. About King Thieu Tri and Thieu Tri Tomb

The son of Minh Mạng, Emperor Thiệu Trị, ruled for only seven years (1841–1847) before passing away at the age of forty. During his short reign, he was unable to construct his tomb. His remains were kept in temporary custody in Long An Temple, which the Emperor had donated in 1845, after his death. In 1848, his son Tự Đức (1847-1883) constructed this permanent monument, adhering to his father's directive that it be inexpensive.
The Tomb of King Thieu Tri is the resting place of King Thieu Tri - a king who was famous for his patriotism and love for his people. During his reign, he wholeheartedly dedicated himself to the development of the country. Crowned to the throne at the age of 34, King Thieu Tri ruled the country for 7 years (from 1841 to 1847), then passed away at the age of 41.
Thieu Tri Tomb
During his lifetime, King Thieu Tri wanted to avoid wasting government coffers, so he did not want to build a tomb for himself too early. Not until the king was sick did he share his last thoughts with his son, King Tu Duc, about his final resting place.
Following the death of King Thieu Tri in February 1848, King Tu Duc began construction of his father's monument. In Hue, close to the base of a mountain, King Tu Duc constructed a distinctive royal burial to his father's desires. In keeping with his father's wishes, he also constructed fewer temples, which was a relatively minor characteristic in comparison to other Hue royal tombs. It is a must-visit site in Hue.

V. About the unique architecture of Thieu Tri Tomb

Undoubtedly, one of the best things to do in Hue is to visit the Tomb of King Thieu Tri Hue. This tomb is not only very significant historically, but it also has a distinctive design that will undoubtedly leave visitors with many priceless memories.
The Tomb of King Thieu Tri is an example of an ancient Vietnamese architectural construction that places a strong emphasis on feng shui. There is no exterior wall to demonstrate the harmony between the tomb and its surroundings. Rather, it uses the nearby mountains as a natural barrier, which adds to the tomb's formidable appearance.
The mausoleum looks out over a vast, tranquil, and attractive rice field that spans from the Perfume River's coast to Lim Bridge. The area used for worship is on the left, while the actual tomb is on the right, making up the construction of the tomb. It is a must-visit site in Hue.
Thieu Tri Tomb

1. The worship area

The crescent-shaped Dien Lake, a feature shared by all Nguyen Dynasty royal tombs, marks the beginning of the worship area. There's a triple-arch gate by the lake. A courtyard behind the gate connects to Hong Trach Mon, another gate.
The path that goes to the heart of the worship place, Bieu Duc Temple, is Hong Trach Mon. The temple has two roofs, which are typical of Nguyen Dynasty temples. There are sculptures of mighty dragons on the roof. Inside are altars for the adoration of King Thieu Tri and his wife, as well as for tourists.

2. The tomb area

The tomb site is situated behind Nhuan Trach Lake, which joins Dien Lake. Here are two rows of mandarin statues, accompanied by stone sculptures of horses and elephants. These statues of animals and Mandarins look like gatekeepers watching over King Thieu Tri's never-ending slumber. The Duc Hinh Pavilion is at the back, but only the floor is left because of the effects of ageing. Ngung Thuy, another lake shaped like a crescent moon, encloses the tomb area.
Thieu Tri Tomb

VI. Review of clients on Thieu Tri Tomb

Review of Bruno on Google Map
Tomb of King Thieu Tri: The Thieu Tri mausoleum is restoring an almost entirely different picture from other mausoleums. the chance, should it not be rebuilt, to observe the remnants of the past that have travelled through here and other locations. A genuine examination of transience. As a result, there are hardly any visitors to the mausoleum, making it quite vacant. It's a large, peaceful area. The old trees provide shade, the lotus pond is in full bloom, the trees are green, and grass sprouts emerge from the crumbled bricks despite the architecture being reduced to ruins and covered with moss. It is a must-visit site in Hue.
Review of Bruce on Google Map
My first impression of Thieu Tri Tomb is the rice fields in front, in the harvest season, golden rice. The small concrete road leading to the mausoleum is shaded by trees on the side of the road. Looking at this scene is truly peaceful for an emperor's resting place. Surrounded by pine forests, and when the wind blows, the sound of pine trees also brings calmness and peace.
Review of Selene on Google Map
Tomb of King Thieu Tri is beautiful, has a large lotus pond, and is beautiful when the flowers bloom.
The tomb of King Thieu Tri is significant historically and features interesting designs. It's quite an accomplishment considering it was built in just ten months. Every visitor will be treated to beautiful surroundings and breathtaking buildings of Hue Tombs and Hue Royal Tombs. It is a must-visit site in Hue.
For further information, please contact VietNam Travel Agency Autour Asia.
5.0 Excellent
Where is a must-see site in Hue?

It is suggested that visitors on a Hue city tour come to Thien Mu pagoda in the afternoon to see the monks praying inside and enjoy the breathtaking Perfume River sunset. What a brilliant idea for Hue to do!

5.0 Excellent
What is the best thing to do in Hue?

There are also many of interesting things to do in Perfume River Hue. The amazing experience of riding a dragon boat along the Huong (Perfume) River is something visitors to the historic imperial city of Hue shouldn't miss.



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