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Sung La Valley - Natural Beauty In The Heart Of The Ha Giang Karst Plateau

Sung La Valley - Poetic Beauty of Ha Giang

In the heart of the Dong Van Karst Plateau lies the vast Sung La Valley, which lends a poetic beauty to Ha Giang's nature in northern Vietnam. Famous not only for its romantic buckwheat flower fields, Sung La also attracts many visitors who come to explore the unique culture of Vietnam's ethnic minorities. Read the article below to understand why locals refer to Sung La Valley as "the beautiful flower of Ha Giang karst plateau".

I. Overview of Sung La Valley in Ha Giang

Sung La Valley (Vietnamese name: Sủng Là), located on National Route 4C in Sung La Commune, Dong Van District, is a must-visit destination on the Ha Giang Loop. Approximately 127 km from downtown Ha Giang, Sung La is renowned for its expansive buckwheat flower valley, which adds a poetic charm to the majestic nature of Ha Giang.
Sung La Valley slopes gently amidst limestone mountain ranges. Upon reaching Dong Van town, you can admire Sung La Valley from above, with its buckwheat flower fields painting the landscape in shades of pink and white.
Ethnic people in Lung Cam Cultural Village, Sung La Ha Giang

Sung La Valley is increasingly appreciated by tourists due to the distinctive culture of its residents. Here, you not only have the opportunity to discover the daily life of ethnic groups but also to visit Pao's house with its characteristic architecture in the cultural village of Lung Cam. All of this offers unforgettable experiences during your trip to northern Vietnam.

II. How to get to Sung La Valley?

To reach the beautiful Sung La Valley in Ha Giang, you need to travel by road from northern provinces of Vietnam. So, if you're coming from the central or southern regions, you should purchase a flight ticket to Hanoi.

There are many buses with different schedules to Ha Giang. A small tip: depart in the evening to arrive in Ha Giang early in the morning. You will be amazed waking up surrounded by the nature of Ha Giang.

From Ha Giang city center, it takes about 2 more hours to reach Sung La Valley. If you are a confident driver and comfortable with winding roads, you can rent a motorbike in the city center of Ha Giang.

If it's your first time in Ha Giang, it's advisable to book an all-inclusive tour that includes transportation with a private driver, a local guide, and a personalized itinerary. This will make your discovery trip of this province more complete.

Check out the detailed itinerary here: Ha Giang Loop tour from Hanoi.

III. Things to see and do in Sung La Valley

1. Admire the vast Sung La flower fields

Visiting Sung La Valley, the first thing you will feel is a pure and peaceful atmosphere, very different from the noise and bustle of the city.

Moreover, standing in the flower fields, you can admire the grandeur of the limestone mountain ranges that create the wild nature of Ha Giang. In the distance, on the slopes of the mountains, you will see terraced rice fields that turn the mountains golden during the ripe rice season in August and September.

Especially around October and November, you will be impressed by the beauty of buckwheat flowers. It's an iconic flower of the Ha Giang karst plateau. In Sung La Valley, you can admire vast fields of buckwheat flowers that tint the surrounding nature pink.
Buckwheat flower fields in Sung La Valley

Moreover, in December, you can admire the beauty of white and yellow mustard flowers. This scenery is certainly as attractive as the buckwheat flower season. You can also visit in January and February to admire the cherry blossoms that fill Sung La Valley.

2. Visit Lung Cam Cultural Village and Pao’s House

Near Sung La Valley, you will find Lung Cam Cultural Village. With over 60 households, this village has a history of over 100 years, attracting many visitors who come to explore the daily life of Vietnamese ethnic minorities.

In particular, located in the village is a very famous place called the Pao's House, used as a set for the filming of the famous movie "Story of Pao", which tells the tale of a Hmong girl. You can visit this house built in the traditional Hmong architecture style, with typical interiors and household items of the local people.

In the courtyard of Pao's House, plum and peach trees are planted, and at the beginning of the year, you can admire the vibrant flowers that bloom in front of the house.

Pao's House in Lung Cam Village

Lung Cam Village is a must-visit place in the Sung La Valley. You will be immersed in an ancient atmosphere, able to wear traditional Hmong costumes, and discover the cultural aspects and customs of the locals.

3. Explore Pho Bang Ethnic Market

Among the best Ha Giang ethnic markets, Pho Bang Market is located in Pho Bang Town, near the Vietnam-China border. Not all tourists have the opportunity to visit this market because Pho Bang Market only takes place once a week, without a fixed day.

Each week, Pho Bang Market is held one day earlier than the previous week. For example, if the market is held on Friday this week, next week it will be on Thursday, and the following week on Wednesday.

Unlike the peaceful life in Sung La Valley, Pho Bang Market is considered a small festival for the locals every week. The atmosphere there is lively and busy. Although Pho Bang Market only takes place in the morning, it is enough to dispel the quietness of Ha Giang.

Pho Bang Ethnic Market, a must-visit during a trip to Sung La Valley

Visiting Pho Bang Market isn't just about buying and selling goods; it's also an opportunity for different ethnic groups to come together after a week. They gather at the market to meet, socialize, and catch up after being apart for a week. If you have the chance to visit Pho Bang Market, don't miss it, as you'll witness the rich cultural interaction among Vietnam's diverse ethnic groups.

4. Enjoy local dishes in Sung La, Ha Giang

In addition to the nature and ethnic diversity in Ha Giang, visiting Sung La Valley allows you to experience authentic local cuisine with rustic, unusual yet delicious and appealing dishes.
Thang Co - Culinary specialty of Ha Giang

Notable dishes include Men Men (Vietnamese name: Mèn Mén), made from ground corn, or Thang Co (Vietnamese name: Thắng Cổ), a traditional Hmong dish made from horse meat, accompanied by a glass of corn alcohol from Bac Ha. These dishes will surely satisfy you once you try them.

IV. Travel tips for Sung La Valley

- What to wear when visiting Sung La Valley: In high mountain terrain, even if you visit in summer, you should prepare a light jacket as it gets cold in the evenings. Additionally, wear light and easy-to-move clothes, as there will be trekking segments to reach your destination.

- When to visit Sung La Valley: If you enjoy flower colors, you should visit Ha Giang from October to February, when you can admire the three main floral seasons of Ha Giang: the pink of buckwheat flowers, the yellow of mustard flowers, and the dreamy softness of peach and plum blossoms. If you want to see rice terraces, don't miss September to see the golden mountains of Ha Giang with ripe rice fields.

- Places to visit near Sung La Valley: Since it's over 120 km from downtown Ha Giang, about a 2-hour drive, you should combine visiting sites on Route 4C before arriving at Sung La Valley, such as Quan Ba Heaven Gate, Quan Ba Twin Mountain, and Tham Ma Pass.
Sung La Valley view from above

I hope this article provides you with all the necessary information about Sung La Valley in Ha Giang. So, what are you waiting for? Please contact Autour Asia, your Vietnam travel company, so our advisors can help you organize your dream trip to Vietnam.



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