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Myanmar In April : Weather, Where To Go, What To See, Itinerary And FAQ

What to do in Myanmar in April?

Myanmar in April is truly a challenge for travelers due to its intense heat, but it also offers unique experiences, including the spectacular festival and other exciting cultural events. Whether you’re drawn to its sunny beaches, majestic pagodas, or breathtaking landscapes, you can fully enjoy this fascinating destination with a bit of preparation. Discover all the practical information for a better trip to Myanmar in April with us, AUTOUR ASIA, Myanmar Tour Agency.

I. Overview of the Weather in Myanmar in April

Myanmar in April falls in the hot season and is the hottest month of the year. Temperatures climb towards their highest of the year, often reaching 40°C (104°F). Rainfall is scarce, and most days are sunny. You can expect daytime maximum temperatures around 37°C in the shade, with an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day. Before booking your next holiday, it's worth checking more weather averages for Myanmar in April.

April is when things really start to heat up in Myanmar. Humidity stays low, and with no rain expected throughout the month. The cold feeling of winter in the highlands was gone by April. So, you can expect excellent weather across Myanmar in April.

Myanmar in April (

In the south and along the west coast, don’t forget your sunscreen, as the beaches will be soaked in sunshine with temperatures climbing up to 36°C. In the central lowlands, expect average highs around 40°C, while even the highlands warm up, with temperatures rising into the mid-30s°C. The hottest spots are Yangon and Bagan, where temperatures can reach a scorching 40°C (104°F).

As Myanmar in April arrives, temperatures reach some of the highest of the year. Despite the heat, visitor numbers remain high, so it’s advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.

II. What To Do in Myanmar in April? Top Festivals and Events in Myanmar in April

1. Thingyan (Water Festival)

Thingyan (Water Festival and Buddhist New Year) is a unique and probably the most popular event of the year. Celebrated annually from April 12-13 to April 16, this water festival is Myanmar's most important festival, as it marks the start of a new Burmese year.

Rooted in the Hindu myth of Ganesh, Thingyan represents the transition to the Buddhist New Year. The Burmese celebrate the end of the dry season and welcome the new year with the rainy season. According to legend, the year begins when Thagyamin, the king of the nats (spirits), descends to Earth to bless the people. Riding a golden winged horse and holding a water pot, a symbol of peace and prosperity, he brings his blessings. Thagyamin also carries a golden-covered book with the names of virtuous people from the past year, while another book, covered in dog skin, is for the wicked ones.

Thingyan (Water Festival)

What to do in Myanmar in April? Discover Thingyan, a festival that symbolizes the purification of past sins. Birds and fish are also released as part of the festivities. Water, considered a means of purification, is used to wash away evil spirits, bringing prosperity and happiness for the upcoming year. Every Burmese person splashes water as they pass by, including tourists, to celebrate and cleanse the year ahead as a blessing.

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It's nearly impossible to stay dry during the festival, so it's best to leave valuables aside and join Thingyan - one of the best festivals to explore in Myanmar in April! As a national holiday, all businesses and activities are suspended in Myanmar during this time.

The first day of the festival, called the "eve of Thingyan," is dedicated to religious activities. Locals observe the 8 Buddhist precepts, including partial fasting. Perfumed water is poured over Buddha statues, and offerings are made to monks. The next day marks the start of the true water festival, which lasts three days. What to do in Myanmar in April? Experience these three days filled with traditional songs, dances, concerts, and above all, laughter, as Burmese people generously splash each other with water to wash away the sins of the past year and purify the streets of evil spirits. Locals also place flowers and palm leaves in front of their houses to welcome Thagyamin, the king of the nats (spirits).

What to do in Myanmar in April? Explore Thingyan (Water Festival)

What to do in Myanmar in April? If you're interested, don't hesitate to join the locals in celebrating this festival. During these festive days, streets are cleaned across the country: young people joyfully spray each other with water guns, while the elderly retreat to pagodas and monasteries to perform meritorious deeds. During Thingyan, elderly people are also honored. Families visit each other, and children bring flowers to their grandparents. Thingyan is one of the most important festivals of the year and a must-see during your trip to Myanmar in April!

The last day of the Water Festival is dedicated to merit-making rituals. Locals flock to monasteries, making offerings to earn Buddha's favor for the upcoming year. They also release captive animals, a symbolic gesture that brings fortune and blessings for their good deeds. Warm wishes are exchanged among friends and family. Celebrated with grandeur, this festival in Myanmar in April attracts large processions, especially to the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, where devotees pour holy water on Buddha images and monks.

2. Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival in Bago

What to do in Myanmar in April? Don’t miss the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival in Bago, an immersion into the country’s traditions and culture. Local artists perform to get noticed by event organizers.

Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda in Bago

Each year, dancers and theater troupes gather and put on impressive shows to entertain festival-goers, hoping to be hired for future events. With the money they receive in advance, the artists create beautiful costumes and continue practicing throughout the monsoon season. Buddhist devotees and tourists visiting the shrine can witness these vibrant performances. Various cultures and traditions are showcased in these performances, as the troupes are made up of different ethnic groups in Myanmar.

3. Salon Festival

What to do in Myanmar in April? Explore the Salon Festival, celebrated for one day at the end of April, after Thingyan, in the Myeik Archipelago.

The Salon Festival marks the time when the Sea Gypsies (Salon people) leave the sea to escape the monsoon season, taking refuge on the islands. There, they build temporary shelters and, for a rare occasion, engage in agricultural activities, as the Sea Gypsies are fishermen and divers who spend most of their time at sea.

During this festival, the Sea Gypsies invite neighboring villages to join their land-based ceremonies. Those interested in ancient traditions will be fascinated by the ceremonies, which include shamanism, animal sacrifices, and ritual dances intended to ward off evil spirits.

III. What to do in Myanmar in March?

The hot season spreads across Myanmar in April, with little climate variation between regions. For your next trip to Myanmar in April, make sure to visit the country’s iconic sites and discover the places hosting the festivals mentioned earlier. Here are a few must-see spots to explore during your stay in Myanmar in April.

1. Yangon

Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar, is the country’s main commercial hub. In the streets of this city, you’ll encounter many monks. The image of barefoot monks collecting alms has become an integral part of the local culture and way of life, a tradition highly respected by visitors. The people here are incredibly warm and welcoming, always greeting you with a genuine smile and hospitality.

Shwedagon Pagoda

What to do in Myanmar in April? Visit Yangon, where many time-honored structures are steeped in history, such as the Yangon Railway Station on Kun Chan Street. Myanmar’s railway network dates back to colonial times and spans a vast area.

Yangon Railway Station

Yangon Railway Station

Another must-see site in Myanmar in April is the Shwedagon Pagoda, also known as the Golden Pagoda. It’s one of Yangon’s most iconic monuments, situated on Singuttara Hill. Shwedagon Pagoda is considered the most sacred in Myanmar, with its stupa rising about 99 meters high, covered in gold. Numerous Buddhist treasures are housed around the pagoda. Shwedagon has four entrances, all guarded by Chinthes (mythical lions with white bodies and golden heads from Burmese mythology). It’s open from 4 am to 10 pm, and in the afternoon, the pagoda is often bustling with visitors and worshippers praying and meditating.

Independence Monument

Kandawgyi Park

In addition to visiting Yangon, you can explore the Independence Monument, Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda with its Reclining Buddha, Kandawgyi Park, Sule Pagoda, and City Hall.

2. Bagan

What to do in Myanmar in April? Don’t miss the chance to explore Bagan, located in the center of Myanmar and once the country’s capital. Bagan is home to many architectural structures of the ancient civilization and preserves Buddhist cultural values along the picturesque Ayeyarwady River. This area boasts around 2,000 temples and pagodas, some centuries old, scattered across sparse forests with various architectural styles. The temples are often clustered and close to each other, allowing you to explore them by foot, bicycle, or horse-drawn carriage, discovering the red-brick structures covered in moss.

The ancient capital of Bagan truly captivates visitors with its timeless beauty, simplicity, and tranquil pace of life. The charm lies in the shades of the remaining Buddhist temples still standing.

Bagan Sunrise

Bagan is undoubtedly one of the world’s best places to watch the sunrise. A popular activity for visitors is viewing Bagan from a hot air balloon. The sight of balloons rising at dawn is an iconic image of this region, adding a magical touch to the stunning natural scenery.

Quick View: Temples In Bagan

Hot air balloons take tourists into the air to admire the panoramic view of Bagan

Bagan sky at sunset

In Bagan, be sure not to miss Ananda Temple, one of the largest and most beautiful in the area. This temple is located south of Tharabar Gate, in the heart of Old Bagan. You can also visit Thatbyinnyu, another magnificent and sacred architectural masterpiece of Buddhist Myanmar. Thatbyinnyu is considered the tallest temple in Bagan, visible from nearly every point in the region. It is situated on a small hill near Ananda Temple.

Finally, it is essential, when visiting Myanmar in April, to witness the sunset in Bagan. The viewpoints for this can vary, such as a quiet corner near an ancient temple. Bagan remains a fascinating destination, thanks to its mysterious yet simple beauty, harmonizing nature and architecture, with two magical moments of the day: sunrise and sunset.

3. Mandalay

If you’re wondering what to do in Myanmar in April, Mandalay, the country’s second-largest city, and a former capital, is one of the top destinations. This centuries-old city, rich in historical monuments, attracts visitors with its ancient charm, sacredness, and deep connection to spirituality.

In Mandalay, you’ll immediately discover the historic village of Mingun, a particularly intriguing destination with some of Myanmar’s most important monuments. This village has preserved its simplicity and rural authenticity, reflecting a history the locals take pride in. Among Mingun’s most notable sites is the unfinished Mingun Pagoda, built from red bricks, a magnificent and imposing structure initiated by King Bodawpaya. Another interesting destination is the white Hsinbyume Pagoda, located on the west bank of the Irrawaddy River, about 10 km from Mandalay’s center. This pagoda dazzles with its bright whiteness and unique, refined architecture.

The unfinished ruins of Mingun Pagoda built of red bricks

Hsinbyume Pagoda

The Mahamuni Pagoda is another famous pilgrimage site in Mandalay, one of the three most important for Buddhists in Myanmar. This site houses a statue that is considered the most faithful representation of the face of Gautama Buddha when he was still on Earth. The seated statue, about 4 meters tall, is covered in gold leaf and adorned with precious stones, and it is deeply revered throughout the country.

What to do in Myanmar in April? Visit Mahamuni Pagoda - a famous pilgrimage site in Mandalay

What to do in Myanmar in April? A must-see during a visit to Mandalay is the U Bein Bridge, which connects the two banks of the Taungthaman River, about 12 km from the city center. U Bein is the oldest and longest teak bridge in the world, with its sturdy wooden spans and thousands of planks stretching for about 1.2 km. The sunset over this bridge is one of the most poetic scenes in Mandalay.

U Bein is the oldest and longest teak bridge in the world

4. Myeik Archipelago

What to do in Myanmar in April? A great option for diving enthusiasts is the Myeik Archipelago, one of Southeast Asia’s most beautiful islands. Located in southern Myanmar, this archipelago includes more than 804 islands, large and small, offering not only numerous fine sandy beaches but also a national park teeming with rich biodiversity and colorful coral reefs.

Myeik Islands, one of the most beautiful islands in Southeast Asia

In the dense forests of these islands, you’ll find a variety of wildlife, including pythons, elephants, deer, flying squirrels, and flying foxes. The Myeik Archipelago truly deserves its place among Southeast Asia’s most beautiful islands, a must-see destination during your visit to Myanmar in April.

Here are some remarkable islands to visit in the Myeik Archipelago:

  • Lampi Island (also known as Sullivan or Kyun Tan Shey) is one of the most famous among tourists. You can go kayaking along the Lampi River or explore fascinating wildlife and flora.

Lampi Island

  • If you’re looking for an island with white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and radiant sunshine, 115 Island (Frost Island) is perfect for you. It’s also ideal for water activities like diving, kayaking, and forest hiking.

115 Island

  • Phi Lar Island (also known as Great Swinton) stands out with its long sandy beaches, wild coconut trees, and enchanting coral reefs, making it a perfect spot for deep-sea diving enthusiasts.

IV. Tips for a Better Trip to Myanmar in April

Here are some tips to fully enjoy your trip to Myanmar in April, despite the heat:

1. Preparefor the heat

The weather in Myanmar in April is the hottest, with temperatures reaching up to 40°C (104°F). To be well-prepared for your trip to Myanmar in April, pack lightweight, breathable clothing, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

2. Stay hydrated

Since it’s very hot throughout Myanmar in April, it’s essential to bring a reusable water bottle and drink regularly, especially during outdoor visits.

3. Book air-conditioned accommodations

Despite the intense heat in Myanmar in April, the country still attracts many tourists. Therefore, book in advance and choose hotels with air conditioning or good ventilation for a more comfortable stay.

4. Plan your outdoor visits

Start your visits to temples, pagodas, and other outdoor sites early in the morning to avoid the scorching heat.

For more information: Myanmar Tourist Visa

Despite the heat, Myanmar in April is a must-see destination for travelers seeking authentic experiences. Whether you want to explore its majestic pagodas, take part in Thingyan festivities, or dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Myeik Archipelago, this country will captivate you. What to do in Myanmar in April? Don’t forget to contact us, AUTOUR ASIA, Travel and Tour in Myanmar, to help you organize a tailor-made trip that meets all your expectations. Travel with peace of mind and create unforgettable memories with us!

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