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Cambodia Travel Itinerary 5 Days : What To Do In Cambodia In 5 Days?

What to do in Cambodia in 5 days?

Coming to Cambodia means coming to the land of Temple Towers, with countless attractive cultural features, historical relics tinged with time, and rich cuisine. In 5 days in Cambodia, is this time too short to explore this country? What to do in Cambodia in 5 days? Let's explore the Cambodia travel itinerary 5 days with Autour Asia, Vietnam Travel Agency, in this article.

1. How to spend 5 days in Cambodia?

Our main goal for 5 days in Cambodia was to discover the Angkor Wat temple, the largest temple in the world, as well as the neighboring temples that contribute to the country's fame. We also included a visit to Phnom Penh, as the country's capital is a must-see. While the Angkor temples in Siem Reap offer a glimpse into Cambodia's ancient past, Phnom Penh reveals a glimpse of its modern architecture and recent history. By visiting these two cities, you will have a complete vision of the country.
Discover Angkor Wat Temple
We have chosen not to include Cambodia beaches in this itinerary as we consider that 5 days is not enough to explore Sihanoukville or the islands of Koh Rong and Koh Rong Samloem.
Regarding the weather in Cambodia 5 days, when is the best time to visit Cambodia? The best time to visit Cambodia is between November and April, when there is very little rain. During this period, the weather in Cambodia 5 days is blue and clear, making it the perfect time to enjoy a relaxing getaway on the south coast.

2. Explore Cambodia 5 days travel itinerary with Autour Asia

Day 1: Arrive in Phnom Penh, River Walk/Cruise

The first day in Phnom Penh will not have too much of an agenda as you have just taken a flight and need time to get acquainted with this city. This time is probably the most ideal time to observe the pace of life in Phnom Penh, learn about how to get around in Phnom Penh, or taking a cyclo tour around the city is a good idea on your first day in Phnom Penh in Cambodia travel itinerary 5 days.
If you have arrived early and want to make the most of your day, you might want to explore one or both of these temples. Wat Kean Khleang, the Golden Temple, covered entirely in gold, is a real sight, even if it may seem a bit flashy to some. To get there, simply type Kean Khleang Pagoda or Golden Temple into Grab or Passapp. It is located about 7 km from the city center and you will have to cross a bridge that can experience serious traffic jams between 7 am and 9 am, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm and 5 pm to 6 pm. To avoid delays, try to visit outside of these peak hours.
Wat Kean Khleang, the Golden Temple
What to do in Cambodia in 5 days? After checking into your hotel in Phnom Penh, enjoy a stroll along the Mekong River. If your accommodation is close to the river, you can easily walk there or take public transportation to the riverbanks near the Royal Palace. For a more relaxed experience, consider a sunset cruise on the Mekong, where you can sip unlimited beer while enjoying the panoramic views.
Cambodia Travel Itinerary 5 days, enjoy a walk along the Mekong River

Day 2: Phnom Penh: Grand Palace, National Museum, S21, Killing Fields

In the Cambodia travel itinerary 5 days, day 2 begins with the National Museum, which boasts remarkable architecture, including its central courtyard with lush gardens and fountains. However, the exhibits, which showcase Angkorian and Khmer art, lack detailed explanation and context, making it difficult to fully appreciate the significance of the artifacts. For a more in-depth understanding, it is advisable to visit with a guide, which can be arranged at the ticket office.
What to do in Cambodia in 5 days? Start with the National Museum
Just 400 meters from the National Museum, discover the Royal Palace, built in 1866 by His Majesty Preah Bat Norodom, the great-grandfather of the current king. The palace, divided into four enclosures, allows visitors to explore the Throne Room and the Silver Pagoda, which houses a golden Buddha adorned with over 9,500 diamonds. The other two areas remain reserved for the royal family.
Visit the Royal Palace in Cambodia Itinerary 5 Days
Another crucial stop on Cambodia itinerary 5 days is the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. A former high school that became the secret S-21 prison under the Khmer Rouge, this museum exposes the horrors of the regime from 1975 to 1979, when more than 17,000 prisoners were tortured and executed. For a complete experience, rent an audio guide for $5 for in-depth details and personal accounts.
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, a must-see for a Cambodia itinerary 5 days
Choeung Ek, one of the most notorious killing fields, is another must-see. This site bears witness to the atrocities committed with fragments of bone and tissue visible in the fields, and a memorial stupa displays 8,000 skulls. Surrounded by nature and with shaded trails, Choeung Ek offers a peaceful place for reflection.
Choeung Ek, one of the most notorious killing fields

Day 3: Siem Reap: Bus to Siem Reap, Angkor Wat, Phare Circus

In the Cambodia itinerary 5 days, just over 300 km from Phnom Penh, the drive to Siem Reap is pleasant and will not tire you. Once you arrive in Siem Reap and have settled the accommodation formalities, you can head to the Angkor Wat temple, which will be the highlight of your trip
Angkor Wat is a large and complex temple complex that requires several hours to be fully appreciated. If you manage to complete your visit to Angkor Wat on this day, you will have plenty of time over the next two days to visit other temples at a leisurely pace or to add additional activities to your Cambodia itinerary 5 days.
Arrive at Angkor Wat Temple, Siem Reap
Angkor Wat is a masterpiece of Indian and Khmer influences, with its majestic sandstone and laterite structures. This temple, whose architecture mirrors Mount Meru of Hindu legend, is at its best in daylight. It highlights its intricate details, vast courtyards and sculptures. Natural light is ideal for photography and avoids the crowds that often gather early in the morning or late in the afternoon, making for a more enjoyable and immersive experience.
After your visit to Angkor Wat, head to the Phare Cambodian Circus. Don’t worry, there are no animals; this is a modern circus show that integrates theatre, music and dance. Although the show starts at 8pm, you can arrive as early as 6pm to enjoy a light meal and browse local crafts.
What to do in the Cambodia itinerary 5 days? Welcome to the Phare Cambodian Circus

Day 4: Siem Reap-Angkor Wat: Sunrise, Short Circuit, Sunset, Pub Street

To witness Angkor Wat’s iconic sunrise, plan to arrive at 5am. This early arrival gives you the best chance of securing a prime spot to admire the temple’s five towers against the morning sky. Be prepared to wait in the dark for about an hour before sunrise; patience is essential. Even if clouds obscure the sun, the sight of them drifting over the ancient temple can still be enchanting.
Admire the iconic sunrise at Angkor Wat
What to do in Cambodia in 5 days? The Angkor Wat Short Circuit covers some of the most notable temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park. It includes Angkor Wat, the intriguing Bayon Temple with its faces, the Bapuon and the Terraces of the Elephants and the Leper King at Angkor Thom. You will also visit Thommanon, Chau Say Tevoda, Ta Keo with its imposing towers, the famous Ta Prohm wrapped in tree roots, and end with the quieter Banteay Kdei.
For a peaceful sunset in Angkor Wat, head to Phnom Krom, 12 kilometers from Siem Reap, located atop a 140-meter-high hill. It offers stunning views of the Siem Reap countryside and Tonle Sap Lake. To avoid a strenuous climb, ask your driver to take you straight to the top and enjoy the serene sunset away from the crowds.
The peaceful sunset at Angkor Wat temple
Then head to Pub Street to relax and enjoy Siem Reap's vibrant nightlife. Stroll around the neighborhood, shop for souvenirs, and treat yourself to a soothing massage. Pub Street's lively atmosphere and diverse dining options make it a great place to end your day.
Cambodia Itinerary 5 Days, enjoy the Vibrant Nightlife of Siem Reap

Day 5: Siem Reap: Angkor National Museum Full Day

Angkor National Museum seems to be the most suitable destination for the last day in Cambodia during the Cambodia itinerary 5 days. This museum offers visitors a journey through the history of Khmer civilization, from its inception to its peak. Using cutting-edge multimedia technology, the museum offers a comprehensive view of the golden age of the Khmer Kingdom, showcasing the origins of Khmer art, culture and architecture. The museum features interactive exhibits and is divided into eight galleries that chronologically present the evolution of Khmer civilization. Visitors can use personal translation devices or audio tour packages in multiple languages ​​to enhance their understanding of the artifacts.
Go to Angkor National Museum for the last day in the Cambodia itinerary 5 days

3. Tips for 5 days in Cambodia

In the Cambodia itinerary 5 days, Autour Asia offers you some useful tips to make your trip more convenient:
  • Wear clothes that cover your shoulders and knees, and avoid transparent or revealing outfits. Some sites, such as temples and pagodas, have strict dress codes and prohibit entry with inappropriate clothing.
  • Be prepared to walk a lot. You should wear very comfortable shoes and be very careful where you walk.
What to do in Cambodia in 5 days? A Cambodia travel itinerary 5 days offers a rich mix of cultural and historical experiences. From the grandeur of Angkor Wat and the Royal Palace to the poignant memories of the Khmer Rouge era at Tuol Sleng and Choeung Ek, this trip offers an in-depth look at Cambodia's past and present. Each stop, from the serene courtyards of temples to the dark fields of Choeung Ek, enhances your understanding of Cambodia's resilience and beauty, making your visit both enlightening and memorable.
Lucas F.
5.0 Excellent
What should tourists wear in Cambodia?

A t-shirt and longer pants are generally suitable for visiting most sacred sites. However, pay special attention to your footwear before you go, as you’ll be walking extensively at places like Angkor Wat. The ground can be uneven, and many sites are not paved, so it's best to bring comfortable walking shoes.

Diana M.
5.0 Excellent
When to visit Cambodia for a 5-day trip?

The ideal time to visit Cambodia is from November to April. During this period, the weather in Cambodia 5 days is mostly sunny and clear with minimal rainfall, making it perfect for a relaxing trip, especially along the south coast.



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